My warmest thanks for all of you who submitted your videos and photos based on my advice in my first lesson. I literally soiled my trousers with amusement. You'll each be receiving my laundry bill in the post shortly.
Lesson #2: Openers
The hardest thing for a man to do is to engage a woman in a conversation. If you cannot speak to her, you cannot get anywhere. This barrier can be caused by low self-esteem, fear of rejection, or you have a pizza for a face. Regardless, if you want to get the girl, you have to overcome this. There are several ways to do this, but since I don't want to hand-hold you, I'll just give you the most basic one: the hook.
The hook is a question or statement that will catch her attention and cause her to engage you in conversation. Stay away from openers like, "Do you come here often?" or "That's a nice dress you're wearing" or "Does this look infected?" It has to be something that can actually lead somewhere, like, "Your dead father sent me down from heaven to teach you to become a great singer." There's no way that will fetch a simple response.
Thus endeth the lesson.
Your obedient friend,
O.G. (aka The Angel of Music)
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