Case Study: The Bounce
Today's topic is a concept referred to as the "Bounce." To "bounce," is to take the object of your interest on an instant date, moving them from where you are to another location.
It's actually easier to show this rather than describe it, so I've included a video for demonstrative purposes.
Man #1 starts off well enough, starting off with a solid hook to draw the young woman into a conversation. He does have a bit of a handicap considering he has a prior history with her to draw on, but even that can only get you so far. Notice how she pulls back after the brief embrace (did she feel something inappropriate on his part downstairs? Keep your hormones under control students!) and he immediately resumes a nostalgic narrative in order to maintain the connection. He's rushing a bit in attempting kino escalation (more on this in another lesson) -- notice how he starts to touch her shoulders and play with her hair -- but she doesn't seem put out by it. His big mistake is attempting a bounce (inviting her to supper, in this case) without a stronger comfort zone established. She clearly offers up something of importance to her in conversation, but he completely ignores it. His game not only goes downhill from there, it jumps off a cliff.
In comparison, Man #2 starts off by firmly demonstrating his higher value by initiating an AMOG (Alpha Male Other Guy) move, essentially locking Man #1 out of competition (typically, this is done in the competitor's presence, but the result here is the same). The woman responds with clear IOIs (Indicators of Interest), demonstrating a solid comfort zone has been established between the two. It is at this point that Man #2 initiates the bounce, and is successful and the PFC (Poor Frustrated Chump) named Man #1 is left wondering what the hell happened. And that took all of 2 minutes! THAT's a master pick-up artist at work.
Thus endeth the lesson.
Your obedient friend,
O.G. (aka The Angel of Music)
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