After having successfully derailed D'Arcy's project for the time being, there has been little for me to do other than lay the groundwork to destroy it permanently. I am currently delving into the background of this Gerik person to see what deep, dark secrets I can find.
In other news, I took Ayesha's laptop away from her about a month ago after discovering she felt that my checking up on Christine and the Vicomte's relationship was unhealthy. Does she not understand that I am only looking out for my Angel's best interests? And to have the temerity to suggest that she set me up on one of those electronic dating services…
Well, what she doesn't know is that I have been seriously contemplating doing so for a few months, now. I have a first draft in front of me, but am unsure if I should post it.
Bah! Such concerns are trivial if D'Arcy and his cohorts are not stopped from desecrating my magnum opus with their sequel. Back to work…
Your obedient friend,
I would just like to clarify...
15 years ago
I have wanted to comment on this entry for a while but never managed to find the time to do so. I am sure Ayesha was only thinking of your happiness, Maestro. So, tell me, what did you do about the draft you mention in your entry?
It remains securely locked away within my computer. Perfectionist that I am, I am not yet through tinkering with the words.
Your obedient friend,
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